Tilbake til krigen – og folket hun elsker
Elizabeth Hoff gleder seg til å reise tilbake til syrere i nød. Etter en uke i mediene i Norge.
Elizabeth Hoff gleder seg til å reise tilbake til syrere i nød. Etter en uke i mediene i Norge.
Aud Oftestad har alltid fulgt sin indre stemme.
Transplantasjonssykepleierne Anne Relbo Authen og Ingelin Grov slipper ikke pasientene sine.
Eldre menn topper selvmordsstatistikken, og det har de gjort lenge. – Vil folk bry seg om tallene øker enda mer, undrer fagperson.
Mothers who engaged with the ‘New families’ home visit programme, had more frequent contact with child health centres. But more than a third of all the mothers reported that they had received inadequate information from public authorities about the child health centre’s services.
The patients accepted being asked about their alcohol habits and being referred to an alcohol and drug counsellor. The under-60s were more positive.
Some municipalities gave considerably more prominence to finances and day-to-day operations than safe and secure patient experiences.
Surgical departments and educational institutions lack an organisational structure and culture that supports evidence-based practice. This may affect patient safety.
Video communication technology used in the context of reablement / telerehabilitation can facilitate access to nursing staff in a municipality, and enable users to stay at home longer.
Intensive care patients often suffer from undertreated pain. A pain assessment tool in a Norwegian version may increase the quality of patient treatment.